Saturday, 31 March 2007

Thank You (Published 25/03/07)

As parents some of the first words we teach our children are ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and in our dealings with children and young people we continue to reinforce the idea that everyone must be thanked when they have done or given us something. This is most frequently done verbally but there are times when we feel it is more appropriate to send a card, note or letter expressing our thanks. On other occasions we express our gratitude by performing some task or by giving a small gift.

Today we are joining Sylvie and Keith as they give thanks for thirty five years of marriage. We, too, have much to be thankful for, whether it is the love of family and friends, good health, rewarding employment, a full and active life or relative financial security. We are also fortunate to live in a country where we are free to express our views without fear and in a pleasant suburban area with easy access to both countryside and the facilities of towns.

As Christians we express our thanks to God through prayer, through giving time to promote His kingdom and through monetary gifts. Next Sunday will be our Gift Day when we all have the opportunity to give thanks for the way that God has worked in our lives.

What have you to be thankful for? Please give prayerful consideration to whether you are able to contribute to St. Martin’s Gift Day remembering that ‘all things come from you and of your own do we give you’ (1 Chronicles 29.14).

God bless. Lilian

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