Sunday, 8 April 2007

Silence: Newsletter for 15th April, 2007

Do you find difficulty with silence? When we pray we are encouraged to talk to God – tell Him of our worries and concerns – for ourselves, our families, friends and neighbours; situations that frighten or trouble us. This can become a shopping list of wants – the talking all on one side – ours. If we are able to leave a period of silence, we can be open to hearing God speak to us – helping us to make the right decision and take the right course of action.

I am afraid that all my life I have been, and still am – a ‘talker’ – none of my friends or family would dispute that; and one to whom being quiet or silent is quite foreign. Unsuccessfully I have tried to overcome or at least improve this skill of listening that I lack.

During my own prayer time at home and in church, I do listen hard in the hope that God will speak to me. What am I expecting? A voice from above? A flashing light? A momentous happening? So far - nothing like that – and perhaps I have been a little disappointed; but I will still try even harder to hear what God is trying to tell me or guide me as to what to do or be.

Scripture tells us ‘there is a’ time for silence and a time for speech’. I pray that God will show me when it is right for each of these. We must all thank God for the miracle of speech that enables us to communicate with each other – but we must also be as ready to listen as to talk.

Lord, teach us the silence of humility, the silence of wisdom, the silence of love, the silence of perfection, the silence that speaks without words, the silence of faith. May we be able to silence our hearts that we may hear the Holy Spirit of God within us.

Every Blessing, Doreen.

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