Saturday, 3 March 2007

Life's Journey

On holiday this summer Diane and I climbed Great Mell Fell. According to our friends from Keswick, it was only a “pimple”, but to us unseasoned walkers it was our Everest. During our climb I was acutely aware of the constantly changing views, and how by climbing only a few feet the landscape changed by offering me a different perspective. Parts of the climb were quite gentle, almost flat; and during these periods I was constantly looking around and soaking up the beauty of God’s creation. There were also times when the climb was steep and difficult and during those periods I was looking down, watching where I put my feet, and totally unaware of the sights around me. Of course, those hard sections were completely forgotten once I reached the top and could take in some air, as well as the spectacular scenery.

Once back down again and relaxing aching muscles over some local ale I was reminded how our climb mirrored “life”. When the going is easy we look around and take time to enjoy our Lord’s company. However when we have the difficult periods we are too busy and often too tired to even notice He is there. Yet, just as the beautiful scenery was still there even when I had my eyes to the ground; so too is God there when times are hard and we are not conscious of him. He is always there and no matter how difficult the journey of life is, he still holds in his hands for us a beautiful summit at our journey’s end. There we will have all the time we need to recover and catch our breath.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:19

Yours in Christ - Richard

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