Friday, 23 February 2007

The wonder of creation

I have often heard it said, “I always feel closest to God when I am working in my garden”. Now theologically, this is not particularly sound doctrine – God is always with us, and He is closest to us when we need Him most. And yet there is little doubt that it is possible to appreciate some aspects of our God’s power when you are close to the beauty and wonder of His creation.

I have recently spent many hours trying, not altogether successfully, to tame the wilderness that is threatening to take over they land behind the vicarage and church car park, which Mike Statham used to rent. Sadly having been largely untended for about 7 months, nature is re-exerting its influence and making a mockery of the neat and productive vegetable, fruit and herb garden which Mike had worked so hard to make.

The church is intending to convert the site into allotments, and 3 or 4 plots, not of full allotment size, but big enough for a good sized vegetable garden, will be available. The task of clearing the plots will not be one for the faint hearted, but if you like a challenge and fancy the chance to get closer to nature and appreciate one aspect of God’s wonder and power at close hand, then please make yourself known to either Simon or the wardens.

God bless you all

Keith Brown

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