Monday, 26 February 2007

The Test of Love

You have my Father’s blessing; come, enter and possess the kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made. For when I was hungry, you gave me food; when thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was a stranger you took me into your home; when naked you clothed me; when I was ill you came to my help; when in prison you visited me. Matt.25; 34-36 NEB

Reading a magazine, I found a definition of love that I confess had never occurred to me before. It helped me clarify the concept I had of this magnificent and useful feeling. The writer said, Love is giving.’ I was very surprised, because every time I wanted to define what love was, only examples of people showing love would come to my mind.

The above verse confirms this definition. God gave away the most valuable possession He had. It was not easy to decide to send Jesus to accomplish the mission of saving the human race. God knew it was a risky undertaking. His Son would have to suffer persecution, jealousy, betrayal, desertion, mockery, beating, and crucifixion. But God loved us so much that he overlooked all these.

The best definition of love is found in 1 Corinthians 13, the ‘love’ chapter. I t is the ideal love, the love of God. This is the kind of love we should long for in our lives. How am I loving others? How am I giving to others? I realised that I was very selfish indeed. I was giving very little, and that does not mean the giving of money, but rather, giving of myself – volunteering, sharing interest in and care for others, giving a listening ear. The list goes on….

When Jesus was on earth, He mingled with the people. He taught, healed, and cared for them. He walked long distances to answer the prayer of a mourning heart. Jesus visited people in their homes, even if they had been labelled as sinners. For Jesus the most important thing was to give.

If Jesus came today, would He find me a loving, giving woman, a woman who really knows Him and shares His feelings, values, and priorities for others?

Lord, teach me to love – to give - as You have loved.

Penny Wheble

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