Friday, 23 February 2007


The dictionary definition of the word Family says, ‘all who live in one house; parents and children; of one progenitor.’ Isn’t that what we the St Martin’s family are? We are all in one house, St martin’s; we are parents and children, brothers and sisters in Christ, we are all made in the image of God our father. He is the head of our family, our Father, who loves and cares for us all.

Recently I joined a class that helps you search for your ancestors, which I have found very interesting and informative. I have become quite hooked although I do have to have a lot of help accessing the information as I am not very proficient on the computer. I have always had an interest in family and who was related to whom, Especially what relation they were to me. My own family is quite small; I had no brothers or sisters, neither did my husband, so I have no experience of having siblings. I am fortunate to have two children and five grandchildren and an enormous number of cousins, with whom I do like to keep in touch as often as possible. Family is important; you might not always see eye to eye, there may often be squabbles and discontent but on the whole family will be there for you in times of trouble, hurt or sorrow as mine has been for me.

Over the years I have attended St Martin’s, I have come to know you all as my second family. This second family has been a great support, help and comfort to me in times when I might have felt alone and unable to see the way ahead, where to turn, which way to go. My own children are marvellous, I could not want for better. But - they are not near enough to be here all the time. I have found such love and friendship from my St Martin’s family; there is always someone there to encourage and support me, to pray for and with me, so that I have been able to do much more than I ever felt possible during the years without John. I know that this comes from Christ’s example, and it is not just for me. Everyone in the St Martin’s family is there to love and support each other whatever our needs.

God is the head of our family; our father, who loves and cares for us all, who is the true and wonderful example of love, understanding, compassion and forgiveness. He holds our family together, and through him may St Martin’s family long continue to share with each other his love, and live and worship together in fellowship and friendship.

With love and thanks,


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