Friday, 23 February 2007

An opportunity?

Most people if they have the opportunity like going on holiday. For some being on holiday is a reason for not going to church, to have a week off, and if you are regularly involved in organising and leading services I can understand this. But it can also be a great opportunity to go to a different sort of church, to experience a different way of worshiping. I find it a real thrill to meet with people I have never met before but know we share a common bond because we love the Lord Jesus.

In recent years Kath and I have shared in the excitement of an Anglican church joining with a Baptist church to build a church community centre for the town, been challenged by the vision of a Methodist church that is completely revamping their church and building a big extension as a youth centre, even though they are small congregation and have very few young people, but feel this is what the Lord is calling them to do.

Two weeks ago we went to church in a Cornish fishing village where once a month several churches come together to share breakfast at nine o clock followed by the service, we didn’t make breakfast but we did get to see and hear Bishop Bill ( of ‘Seaside Parish’ fame ).

Over the years we have been to a few really duff services, but most of the time its been a real joy to share fellowship with other Christians, and it’s usually a really good way to start a holiday.

Mick Pymm

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