Monday, 26 February 2007

Honour Thy Father

Ephesians 6:2 ”Honour thy Father and Mother. This is the first commandment that has a promise with it – then everything shall be well with you, and you will have a long life on the earth”

Our life begins with the union of a man and a woman, our earthly Father and Mother. Our earthly father figure we most come to know as Daddy. I was privileged to have a wonderful Daddy for the first 43 years of my life. When my Daddy passed away, it was a very heartbreaking, sad day. Although he is no longer here, I thank the Lord that I was able to “know” such a wonderful, kind, giving man who always put others before himself. I have those memories from the days spent with my Daddy to last me a lifetime. Not all are so well blessed.

Do you want to make your Daddy’s eyes light up with joy on this Father’s Day? “What can I get” is usually the first thing that comes to mind on special days such as this, but from experience, a present is not always what a parent looks for from a child. They want your love, a visit or maybe a phone call if you can’t be with them. Daddy loved his cards and gifts, but he would demonstrate that the love shown to him meant so much more. Why not take time out to call your Daddy or go to see him and put a sparkle in his eyes? You will be glad you did in years to come when Daddy is no longer there in your presence.

We also have a heavenly Father who is there regardless of whether we have a natural father in our lives or not. He will never leave or forsake us in our need. Every child wants a Daddy he or she can look up to, maybe sit on his lap, share the day with him and just know he will be there when we need him. For those not so blessed, there is a Father who is always there for us, never judges us, and loves us more than anyone.

Remember that regardless of our age, to our parents, we are always their “child”. To God, we mean so much that he had his only begotten Son lay down his life for us. (John 10:14)

Every blessing,

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