Monday, 11 October 2010

Back to Church Sunday

Today is Back to Church Sunday. Welcome to St. Martin's if you are visiting us. I hope you will find it a positive experience. Last year in the Lichfield Diocese over 300 churches took part and 3000 came " back to church" on that day.

It may be that the word " church" brings certain images to mind: somewhere cold and uncomfortable, where people whisper and children have to be quiet, where strange clothes are worn or Sunday best and you have to stand up or sit down at the right time. Church can seem to be detached from reality, a place of false solemnity and even somewhat hypocritical. I find St. Martin's a place of welcome, laughter, friendship and hope. Worship with others transforms my small faith. The home group provides an opportunity to learn and discuss within a small group of people and it is refreshing to find that we all have doubts and no-one has all the answers!

A recent survey showed that more people prayed than actually professed a faith which seems a contradiction in terms. At times of crisis it seems many challenge God ( if I get better, I'll come to church) or at least think that as there appears to be no human solution it might be worth trying a divine one! God does respond sometimes in obvious ways to these prayers but at other times " God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform".

Evidence of the Holy Spirit at work at St. Martin's is not hard to find – just think of the CafĂ©, support for the Glebe centre, our mission giving not to mention the joy, healing and support for each other. If you are returning to St.Martin's today or visiting us I hope you will take away a feeling of friendship and a taster of what the Holy Spirit can do. Maybe this is the nudge you need to find or renew your relationship with God.

Liz Dunthorne

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