Monday 20 September 2010

Tear Fund Planting Hope, Growing Futures

Tear Fund is one of the charities which St. Martin’s supports with its Mission Giving. At our Harvest Service we were made aware of the way in which Tear Fund is helping deprived rural communities in Cambodia.

Tear Fund is working with church-based organisations, such as the Wholistic Development Organisation, to provide agricultural training. In the last three years WDO has provided vital life-saving support to more than 18.000 Cambodians through mobilising local churches. In particular we heard about Mol and Tol who have received crop seedlings and agricultural advice; an invitation to join a community rice bank; a loan of chickens and a pig to generate income, a bicycle for the children to use to get to school and fish to breed and eat. Underlying this has been unconditional Christian love, support and acceptance for this family.

The wants and needs of these communities are the same, enough food to eat and the opportunity to generate income to improve their lives. This is in stark contrast to our lives where our wants are inessential to the basics of life but our needs are met. Let us be thankful for our situation but aware and supportive of those who are less fortunate than us.

At the Harvest Service the congregation generously gave £272.07 which will be added to our Mission Giving contribution of £1100.00. I will be sending your cheque for £1374.07 to them asking that our contribution be used in supporting their work to providing agricultural training in Cambodia so that the poor have enough to eat.

‘You care for the land and water it;
You enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water
To provide the people with grain,
For you have ordained it’ (Psalm 65.9).

God bless

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