Monday, 19 November 2007

Going for Growth

The Diocese is looking for an alternative way of fixing Parish Share as part of its central strategy of “Going for Growth”. For 2008 we are asked to “bid” for our Parish Share. We have submitted a figure which is below our current formula payment and this may well involve us in further discussion with the Diocese as they seek to raise sufficient funds.

Our formula payment meant that we paid for our Minister, the Vicarage, a contribution to training future vicars and a very small contribution to other costs. Our bid for 2008 does not allow this level of support.

We are beginning to see the fruits of the hard work of Simon, Richard, Martin and many others as a result of initiatives such as the Alpha Courses and “The Net”.

The regular income of St. Martin’s is not at a level to allow us to continue to pay Parish Share at our traditional level, to tithe our giving for chosen mission agencies and charities and to fund new initiatives in “Going for Growth”.

Jesus himself spoke five times more on the subject of money than any other. If he devoted considerable time to the matter then we must also give it priority.

We all want to see St. Martin’s grow in numbers and in faith, the green shoots are there. We must continue to pray that we are able to do that little bit more with our gifts, our talents, our time and our money.

With Christ’s help our giving can do great things for His Church.

God bless Roger

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