Saturday, 11 August 2007

Has it got vodka in it?! Newsletter 12 August 2007

For the past year every Friday evening Christians from different churches across Walsall have been offering free (non-alcoholic) drinks, and a listening ear to people in the centre of Walsall as part of the ‘Ministry to Drinkers’, which takes place on Darwall Street next to St Paul’s Church..

This Friday night ministry has been grabbing peoples’ attention as a positive Christian presence in the town centre. Walsall has a considerable alcohol problem, particularly binge drinking amongst women and young adults. The Drinkers Ministry is mentioned as a positive initiative in the 2007 report of the Director of Public Health entitled: ‘Alcohol in Walsall - a public health perspective’.

Each night there are the regular visitors, who come and have a good chat and a laugh with us; and occasionally a prayer, and there are the people who are just passing through, but which ever they are they all say that what we are doing is a good thing, and because we offer soft drinks it helps water down the alcohol people have consumed!

The door men on the pubs and clubs all say that the town centre is a better place since we have been there - there appears to be less violence and the atmosphere has changed for the better. That is fantastic news. I have been involved with the Drinkers Ministry for over 6 months, and consider it to be one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things that I do. Why don’t you come down and see for yourself - we need more helpers, especially men, and you can help as little or as often as you want. Oh and the title? - well that’s the most frequently asked question every night!!!

God bless,

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