Monday, 19 November 2007

Newsletter 7th October 2007: Actions Not Words

When you have something to grumble about; buses running late, dirty streets, poor service, shoddy goods; what do you do? Do you just moan and complain or do you try to do something about it? Do you and many others complain and continually run down our town and all it’s numerous failings; or do you try and do something about the situation. It is so easy to talk about what is wrong, but how will things ever improve if we do nothing BUT talk. If you are unsatisfied with a product or a service, do something; write a letter, phone the company concerned. Recently I waited for a bus to take me to the Manor Hospital. These buses are supposed to run every 20 minutes, but it was late arriving and the moans and complaints were overwhelming. No one seemed to allow for all the road works that caused the delay but just blamed the driver. Again, our town of Walsall is continually derided and run down for it’s dirty streets and poor public services. Do YOU do anything about it? Do you campaign for more litter bins, remember not to drop your own litter, do you try to put things right?

Jesus did not just talk, He DID. When action was needed he provided it. Jesus was angry that the money changers and merchants were doing business in the Temple, (Mark 11:15-17) and he threw them out. When He saw a man with a deformed hand (Matthew 12:9-14), He healed him; although it was the Sabbath, and He was rebuked by the Pharisees. Many complain about the government and our local council, and what they have or have not done; but many of those who complain cannot be bothered to even go to cast their vote. All very negative thinking. Many people sacrificed so much to give us the vote, especially women, and it hurts and angers me that they complain but never raise a finger or stir themselves to try and change things. Would Jesus have acted in this way?

I hope and pray that we may all become doers as Jesus was and is, and not just negative thinkers who take no action even when it is needed. We CAN make a difference. Help us to see our cup ‘half full’ and not ‘half empty’; let us be proud of our town and all that it is, not degrading it or running it down. Let us count our blessings; we do have so much to be proud and thankful for; most especially our Church, our Faith, our God and Father.

God Bless. Doreen.

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