Saturday, 26 September 2009

Stop doubting and Believe

Picture the scene. Jesus had already appeared to all of the disciples except Thomas and he was not about to believe what his friends were telling him without him seeing and touching the evidence for himself. A week later, Thomas is confronted by the risen Christ, being challenged with all the evidence he needs. “Stop doubting and believe” are Jesus’s words to Thomas and I wonder how he felt after this encounter.

Whilst I am convinced and believe whole heartedly in the resurrection of Jesus, like so many, when it comes to the detail, I have my questions and doubts, particularly in my own abilities. As we continue our walk of faith, God is continually asking us to trust Him and not in our own abilities. Not only do we have this to contend with, but when we do take that step of putting our faith into action, we can always convince ourselves that we could have done better.

Faith is lived out through action, we can believe totally in the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ but without action it is dead. I have been reminded recently that this faith is lived out in the here and now, in all that each day of the week brings to us. The opportunities for our faith to be revealed come and go and God is able to reveal himself to others through our actions, despite our ineptness.

Sometimes I feel like the boy with the fish and bread when Jesus fed the 5,000. What I have to offer is totally inappropriate for the situation and I would rather Jesus ask somebody else. Yet this brings me to the place where Thomas found himself, a place where Jesus challenges me to stop doubting and start believing.

Yours in Christ


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