Saturday 26 September 2009

Do you feel valued?

What is man that you are mindful of him,

The son of man that you care for him?

Psalm 8 v.4

The tutor stood in front of his class. They were of mixed ages,ethnic and educational backgrounds. Some had physical disabilities and others had mental health problems.”Hands up if you would like this £20 pound note?” he asked as he held it in the air. A forest of hands shot up – everyone wanted it. He then folded up the note. “Who wants it now?” he asked. Again all the hands went up. The tutor picked up the board marker and marked the note. “Hands up if you want it now ?” he asked. Once more, all the hands were raised. Next he tore a piece off the corner of the note. “Anyone want it now?” Again, everyone indicated that despite the note not being in pristine condition it was still wanted. Finally the tutor screwed it up into a tiny ball. “Look at it now” he said. “Does anyone want it?” As you can guess, everyone still did! All knew that the £20 note had retained its value even though it was imperfect. We may be imperfect but we are still valued by God. Our heavenly Father does not love or care for us any less however we may feel about ourselves or what we have done ( or not done). His love is unconditional.

Today here at St. Martin’s, along with other Anglican churches we are keeping Back to Church Sunday. This is an opportunity for us to invite friends and neighbours to come and worship with us – a reminder that all are welcome. If you are a visitor to St. Martin’s this morning –welcome! I hope you find the church family friendly, that you can follow the service, know at least one hymn and that it is a positive experience. You are valued and loved by God. As Jesus said in Matthew 10 v.30, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Perhaps you might like to come again or maybe you would be interested in the Alpha course starting in October?

Liz Dunthorne

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