Monday, 13 October 2008

Newsletter: Walsall Older Persons Project

The ‘Walsall Older Persons Project’, held on Wednesdays and Fridays at St Martins since December 2004, is one of many Mencap services. It provides an easy-going and relaxed environment for social contact and leisure activity for 20 older people with mild learning disabilities. You will see what they enjoy doing from our noticeboard and 6-monthly newsletters. Indoor activities range from making rugs to light ‘keep fit’ exercises and we are grateful to Walsall College for their continued support with leatherwork / creative artwork and to Kath Hayward for her flower arranging demonstrations – they always take away something they’ve made.

10-pin bowling competitions, evening Discos and day-trips are ways in which we help them to access community facilities that many of us take for granted. Our recent outings have included trips to Birmingham’s Sealife Centre, the cinema and theatre (Mary Poppins was simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!). In the next few weeks, we’ll be off to the Black Country Museum and to Blackpool.

Ours really is a great group to work with. It doesn’t take long to see beyond their disabilities - everyone has their own personality and they all bring something special to the group. There can be few better rewards in life than seeing smiles on their faces when they’ve done something new or achieved something by themselves.

Despite many positive changes over the years in the lives of people with a learning disability, they still don’t have the same rights or opportunities as other people. Mencap fights for change and understanding by campaigning at every level of government, by communicating through the media and by the practical support it provides – from accurate up-to-date information to help families access services and to make important decisions, through to helping people find the right place to live or to find and keep a job.

If you know someone who needs help and support, want any more information or see what we do, or if would you like to help us, please do come along or let me know on 07908 230210.

Peter Greenwood

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