Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Newsletter 29 June: Mission Giving

As a church we donate 10% of our giving to international, national and local charities. At the D.C.C. last week it was agreed that we support the following charities by donating these amounts:

Local Charities:

Glebe Centre £900

The Vine £900

Walsall Samaritans £600

National Charities:

Children's Society £600

Scripture Union £600

International Charities:

Christian Aid £600

Tearfund £600

Africaid £1200

TOTAL £6000

It is possible that our donation can be targeted towards a particular project rather than simply in aid of the charities general funds. In the past our donation to Tear Fund went towards the Yanapanakuna project with the Quecha indigenous people and we helped to purchase a dishwasher for the Glebe Centre.

Our representatives inform us about their charity through displays, prayers in the prayer diary and during intercessions in the month when their charity is the primary focus. They also encourage us to give practical support, whether by donating clothes and tinned foods for the Glebe Centre or delivering envelopes during Christian Aid week. As our link they are also happy to talk to members of the congregation on an individual basis about the work of their charity and can advise if anyone wishes to be involved further, whether through signing up for receiving prayer emails or contributing financially or practically on an individual basis.

As we pray for and support practically and financially these charities let us always remember that

‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’ (Matthew 25 40).

God bless


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