Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Stranger: Newsletter 13 January 2008

I was interested by an article in the current edition of the Diocesan newspaper, “Spotlight”, that a team of “mystery worshippers” would today be visiting churches in the Midlands to report on “the comfort of pews, warmth of welcome, length of sermon and much more”. Far be it from me to suggest which of these factors we might fail on, but if you don’t recognise that person sitting next to you this morning, be nice to them, they may be reporting back!

Hopefully we are always welcoming to strangers, and not only as a church, but also in our individual Christian life. Christ exhorts us to treat everyone, stranger or otherwise, as if we were dealing with Him – “He will say to them (the unrighteous) …I was a stranger yet you did not invite me in……….They will answer “Lord when did we see you… a stranger… and did not help you? And He will reply “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. Then they will go away to eternal punishment” (Matthew 25 vv 41-46)

It isn’t always easy to be nice to strangers, especially that pesky person who dithers in front of you in the queue at the shops. But then, nobody ever said it was easy being a Christian.

God bless you all


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