Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Making a Difference

Unfortunately, I missed our Harvest Festival and Simon’s talk on 8 people who had used their lives to “make a difference”. When I heard about this piece, it reminded me of a book that I read recently in which one of the characters replied to the question why he hadn’t bothered to get out of bed that day with the answer that he only got up if he thought he could do anything to “make a change” that day. Leaving aside my questionable choice of reading matter ( It was actually quite a thrilling “whodunnit”) this made me think of our Lord’s mandate to all his followers to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). So, how often do we get up in the morning in a positive frame of mind determined to go out into the world and make new disciples of men?

Yes, I know it’s difficult, especially for those of us still in the workplace environment, and one that seems virtually impossible in the face of the cynicism, indifference and occasional outright abuse with which many of our fellow men regard the Christian faith. But Jesus never said it would be easy, in fact he knew that it would be difficult to the point that many disciples would suffer both mentally and physically for their faith. Still it remains our Christian duty to approach each and every day with the positive thought that this might be the day that we can ,make a difference- the day when our continual public example of good Christian behaviour influences somebody, even somebody we hardly know, that they might be led to embrace Christian beliefs. It won’t be easy, but it’s surely better than staying in bed!

God Bless


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