Tuesday 20 January 2009

Proclaiming the Faith

On January 6th, Twelfth night, Epiphany, we were driving on the motorway system around Madrid. We couldn’t understand why, although there were up to six lanes available, ours was the only vehicle on the road for quite long periods of time. A quick check in our trusty handbook gave the answer to our lack of understanding. It was a national holiday – it was the day on which Spanish children were given their Christmas presents.

Over the years we have spent several holidays at the time of religious festivals in Spain and other Catholic countries and we never cease to be amazed how involved the whole community becomes in their celebration. We have seen the most amazing statues carried on the shoulders of numerous men, each statue or tableau showing the important features of the festival. People seem to live their faith more openly at these times.

More years ago than I will admit our Chapel used to have three Sundays before our Anniversary when we used to parade around the village singing hymns and advertising this important time. On the third Sunday we often had a silver band to accompany us as we finished our parade. People in the village had no doubt about the commitment of the couple of dozen people who took part each year or of the strength of faith of our congregation.

On anniversary Sunday the chapel would be packed afternoon and evening as villagers joined us in our celebration of faith. Sadly, like many old traditions it no longer happens.

Perhaps we have become too self conscious about proclaiming our faith or perhaps we are too politically correct and prefer not to cause apparent offence to those of other faiths or to non believers.

Yet, if either is true, how are we going to grow God’s Kingdom? We, as a Church, need to think carefully how we can involve ourselves more in proclaiming our faith in the wider community. I have no answers – I wish I did. Perhaps we could use the weeks leading up to the Church’s greatest festival to think about how to proclaim the Risen Lord.
God bless

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