Saturday, 21 July 2007

Mission on the 529: Newsletter 15 July

I spend many hours each week on buses (or waiting in hope!). First thing in the morning folk read the Metro, adjust their make up, ring their place of work to say they’ll be late and so on. Some even read their daily Bible passage or maybe, like me, use the time to pray. Very few chat to each other. Later in the day, however, the bus is full of older people and buggy-wielding young mums. The atmosphere changes completely. The buzz of conversation is all around and most people at least exchange a few words with their neighbour even if only to complain about the weather or the length of time they’ve waited for the bus.

As you know, I find it easy to talk to most people and I try to be a good listener as well. I have lost count of the times now when my neighbours on the bus pour out their worries and concerns. Many seem to have no-one independent to express their fears (usually) or hopes to, and some have no-one at all. It is an awesome responsibility to respond appropriately to these people. I try to make them feel valued and give them hope. More than once, the person has told me that they felt they could talk to me because I was wearing a cross. Food for thought there. Maybe we should all more easily recognised as Christians both by our actions and also some sort of “badge”. There is certainly a need in the busyness of the modern world for a listening ear. Not only can a bus journey be shared but also the journey of life and possibly even of faith.

Finally, Chris and I would like to thank you all for your prayers over the last few weeks. We have felt well supported.

Liz Dunthorne

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