Friday, 25 May 2007

The Journey of Life

Our Christian life is often referred to as a journey. This is not a bad analogy, as it begins at some point when we recognise Jesus as our Saviour and Lord; and ends when we arrive at our appointed place with Jesus in eternity. Whenever I hear the expression “Our Journey” it conjures up mental images of a crowded station platform and piles of luggage being loaded onto trains while crowds of people wait expectantly, heading for some exotic destination.

The difference with our journey of faith is that we have the Head Porter with us, Jesus. “Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest (Matt. 11: 28)”. Like most travellers we take with us unwanted baggage, perhaps physical or mental difficulties, or emotional scars. But unlike most travellers we do not have to struggle alone under the weight. Jesus will bear that load for us if we allow him.

Today some people from our church will take the first step of their journey of faith by being confirmed at Lichfield Cathedral. I hope that they will allow Jesus to share their burdens on their journey. We, as members of the same church family, can also play our part. We can pray let they have a safe journey without obstacles or hardships. Also we can keep watch and be ready to assist if they seem to struggle or tire.

For those being confirmed today may God bless you and bring you his peace.

Yours in Christ, Richard

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