Over the past few months Simon has been working to set up a prayer link with Holy Trinity Church, Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia. (On a map of Malaysia find Kuala Lumpur and look north about 200km). The idea of this link is to encourage our two churches to pray for one another.
Holy Trinity Church is very similar to ours in that it has around the same attendance and a congregation made up of the middle socio economic background. They also have similar challenges in that they are also trying to grow their congregation.
We feel very excited about this and have formed a little working group to service the link. The group members are: Simon, Diane Sainsbury, Margaret Carter, Jane Quinn, Jackie Brown, Christine and me.
It is our intention to provide you with as much information about the prayer link as we can and to provide photographs of Revd. Jesvinder Singh and his church and congregation. (Today we are hoping to take some photographs of our congregation to send to them so don’t be shy, join in the group photo!).
We’ve asked them to join us in praying for the success of last night’s film night in starting to build the bridges which will, hopefully, bring young people into our church.
We’ve also asked them to share in our thanksgiving for the 38 members of our cluster churches who were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday and especially for the seven from St. Martin’s.
In our turn we are using their prayer request in our weekly intercessions and at home groups and the Saturday morning prayers.
Some of the prayers will also be printed in the prayer diary.
To finish, I quote some of the words used by Revd. Jesvinder – “We are looking forward for this partnership to open the view of the Church to ministry and mission.” Let us all use our personal prayers to echo his wish.
God Bless
Christine and John